Orthopedic Surgery: 7 Most Frequently Asked Questions (Pt 1/2)

Orthopedic surgery is a popular form of treatment for injuries and conditions of the musculoskeletal system. These procedures are performed by board-certified orthopedic surgeons, who diagnose and treat people with deformities, disabilities, or loss of motion. Here are 7 frequently asked questions about orthopedic surgery for your reference:

Which are the most common orthopedic surgeries?

The most common orthopedic surgeries performed by orthopedic surgeons are:

  1. Knee replacement, also known as arthroplasty. This surgery takes place to repair damaged or worn-out joints caused by injury or arthritis, including the knee and hip. It involves replacing the damaged joint with an artificial implant.
  2. Hip replacement. This operation is used to replace the damaged hip joint with a ball-and-socket prosthetic device. Hip replacement surgery may be done when a person has osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) that causes pain and loss of mobility or to improve mobility after an accident or trauma to the hip or leg.
  3. Shoulder replacement. A shoulder replacement is another option for treating advanced arthritis in the shoulder joint — also called rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this procedure, surgeons replace the damaged parts of your shoulder with an artificial implant called a “ball-in-socket” bearing system that helps hold your arm in place during movement and provides stability when you lift weights or carry objects.
  4. Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that uses an arthritic joint to assess and treat conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and tendon failures associated with degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA).

Recommended Read: 5 (Very) Common Orthopedic Surgeries

Are orthopedic surgeries expensive?

Orthopedics is an expansive field, so there are many different types of procedures that can be done to treat orthopedic issues. These include knee replacements and shoulder replacements (total knee replacement or total shoulder replacement), hip replacements, and spinal fusions (cervical fusion). Each type has its own list price and procedure costs vary depending on the location and type of physician performing the procedure.

So, for example, a knee replacement surgery will definitely cost more than a spinal fusion. Even the cost of knee replacement surgery will vary from one city and hospital to another. So, it’s best to reach out to hospitals and clinics in your city and get pricing details for specific surgeries directly from them.

When orthopedic surgery is necessary?

It depends on many factors, including your age, the type of injury, where the injury is located, and how severe the injury is. Whether or not orthopedic surgery is necessary in your case largely depends on the doctor’s diagnosis. The doctor will consider various factors, weigh the pros and cons, and make the final call. Generally, orthopedic surgery is a last resort when other non-invasive treatments have been rendered ineffective. But again, it largely depends on the diagnosis, which is based on many factors. Consult the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata.

Continue Reading: Orthopedic Surgery: 7 Most Frequently Asked Questions (Pt 2/2)

