5 Common Orthopedic Problems To Know About As You Get Older

As you get older, you’re more prone to orthopedic problems. So, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of such problems before you start seeing symptoms and get all alarmingly worried.

Here are five very common bone and joint-related problems you should know about as you get older:

1. Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that prevents the smooth movement of your joints. Most commonly, arthritis causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function. There are more than 100 types of arthritis. The word “arthritis” comes from two Greek words, meaning joint inflammation or joint degeneration.

The most common pain-causing movements are bending and straightening the arm, wrist, hand, fingers, knees, and ankles. Arthritis will not improve on its own.

Arthritis is the biggest cause of disability in people over 55 years of age. Most people with arthritis feel achy and stiff, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity. You might not be able to do things the way you used to, but you can still be active.

2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that makes your bones weaker and more likely to break. Many people — both men and women — have it long before they know what caused their bone loss and hip fracture. It often goes undiagnosed because its early symptoms are vague and easily confused with the aches and pains of aging, or attributed to other causes.

Osteoporosis is a condition that mostly affects people over the age of 50, but younger people can be affected too. Fortunately, there are many treatments to help slow the loss of bone density and many things you can do to keep your bones as strong as possible. If you’re noticing the symptoms of osteoporosis, consult the best osteoporosis doctor.

3. Lower back pain

The majority of people suffer from lower back pain at some point in their life. The lower back typically houses the large muscles in the body that control the movement of the limbs. Each part of your lower back is associated with different activities. For example, if you bend forward while lifting something, the muscles in the middle of your lower back are used to move each limb. If you rotate or move yourself to the side, it is your lower back muscles between your shoulder blades that are utilized. Pain can be caused by any damage to these muscles, whether it is an accident, poor fitness habits (such as sitting at a computer for too long). While most lower back pain goes away within two weeks, some are signs of more serious health problems that need to be addressed. If you experience back pain, knowing what is causing that pain and how best to care for it can help manage symptoms. So visit your orthopedic doctor and seek professional help.

4. Hip fracture

A hip fracture is most common among people age 65 or older, but younger people can also sustain this injury. The elderly is prone to fractures due to osteoporosis, a condition in which bone is porous and fragile. Joints become easily injured because of the decrease in bone density. Falls are another major cause of hip fractures in older individuals. The pain that results from a hip fracture can be overwhelming for patients, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions that were already being managed.

To maintain healthy bones and decrease your chance of experiencing a hip fracture, it’s important to know what causes these types of fractures and how to prevent them. Consult an experienced fracture treatment doctor in Kolkata for personalized assistance.

5. Tendinitis

Tendinitis is the swelling and irritation of the thick cord-like tissue that attaches muscles to bone. Inflammation occurs when these areas are overused. Tendinitis can occur because of direct injury or overuse. The common location for tendinitis is in the shoulder, lower back, or Achilles tendon (in the heel).

Tendinitis can cause burning pain and stiffness in a certain joint, a loss of strength in that type of movement, or difficulty moving that joint through certain ranges of motion. Proper stretching and the use of anti-inflammatory medication can help ease tendinitis. Get in touch with an orthopedic specialist for a thorough diagnosis if you’re noticing signs of tendinitis.

Final words

These are five of the very common orthopedic problems you should be aware of as you get older. Of course, there are many other bone and joint-related issues that you may experience. Talk to a doctor for more information.

